Date: 01 August 2009 Saturday
Time: 2030hrs IST
Mission: To test the website and find bugs.
Time Limit: 2030hrs to 2100hrs IST.
2100hrs to 2130hrs IST: Discussion of bugs.
2130hrs to 2200hrs IST: Prepare the blog post.
Testers: Ajay Balamurugadas and Parimala Shankaraiah
Browser: Google Chrome v2.0.172.37
First I planned to collect some colorblind images.
Googled 'color blind images' for Images.
* Entered the URL in the Google Chrome address bar and pressed enter key.
Webpage was loaded.
* Clicked on 'Run Vischeck!' button without entering any URL. A pop up appeared. Ok, Test passed.
* Entered some random characters in the URL field. Error message was displayed.
"There seemed to be a problem with that URL- please try another."
Hmmm, nice message but the URL displayed: ""
* I wanted to check what would happen if I typed some custom error. So, I replaced the text 'There+seemed+to+be+a+problem+with+that+URL-+please+try+another.' with some text and the new text was displayed on the webpage. This seemed to a major security vulnerability as a coder/hacker might take advantage of this.
* My first Test URL with a valid colorblind image: ''. Clicked on 'Run Vischeck!'
Following text and hyperlinks were displayed.
* Clicked on the image link to open in a new window: Opened the same image.
Clicked on the 'Deuteranope simulation' link to open in a new window:
The URL of the webpage was:
* This gave me idea to change the number after the uploads/. I typed some random number. File not found 404 error was displayed.
* Removed the number part of the URL and pressed enter key.
Then clicked on some of those folders and some random files were displayed.
* Appended '/?', '/', '?', error=.
Sometimes, only some part of the webpage was displayed.
* Also googled for large size images and tested them.
End of Testing. Time 2106hrs IST.
What could have been better:
I feel lot of time was wasted on testing the "Append text after error=".
Please feel free to comment, critique, suggest, question, discuss.
This is just the first report and intentionally titled Part 1.
More to follow...
Please find the report uploaded at The report is intentionally left as it is without any modifications.
Please find my testing partner's report and blog post at :
My special thanks to Parimala. :)
This is just the first report and intentionally titled Part 1.More to follow...
So much more has followed since this exercise we started with. 5 months have gone, but the learnings have been tremendous.
Lets keep ROCKING!
Good experience, when working with web pages these errors tend to appear a lot.
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