Tuesday, October 2, 2018

September was fun with workshops, book and conference

Mobile Testing Workshop | The Test Tribe | Bangalore

September started with a full house workshop for The Test Tribe community on Mobile Testing. There were two mobile app developers also present in the audience. The audience seems to have liked the content and a few testers had never tested a mobile app. Thanks to Mahesh and team for organizing it from start to end and taking care of all the arrangements.

If you are interested in having this workshop conducted for your teams, feel free to email me at ajay184f@gmail.com

Testers worked on hands-on exercises from the mobile testing workbook. They were introduced to the mobile terminology, testing models, common bugs, techniques, and tours, tools and finally they tested a mobile app and reported the bugs.

Mobile testing workshop participants
Mobile Testing Workshop Participants

Accessibility Testing Workshop | ManuMantra | Bangalore

The next workshop was on Accessibility Testing with Jyothi Rangaiah and ManuMantra. It is a niche topic and participants were surprised at the complexity and significance of accessibility testing. Did you know that at least 15 million Indians are visually impaired?
Accessibility Testing Workshop Participants

Global Testing Retreat | Agile Testing Alliance | Pune

Then it was time for Global Testing Retreat at Pune organized by Agile Testing Alliance. It was a 6 track packed conference filled in a single day and multiple lab sessions. The diversity of topics was mind-boggling and one had a tough time picking which sessions to attend. There were two fun skits and a good panel discussion as well.
Posing a question to the panel
Posing a question to the panel

Book Release: 50+ mistakes of my software testing career | Leanpub | Online

My session was on "A dozen mistakes of my software testing career" which turned into a book - "50+ mistakes of my software testing career". I published at www.leanpub.com/50mistakes. This was a tough one for me and I feel at peace after publishing this book. I feel that I can start afresh, make different mistakes and learn more in my career.
My book on Leanpub
My book on Leanpub

Problem Solving workshop for the new Leaders/Managers
Agile Testing Alliance | Pune

I enjoyed conducting this workshop. There were two students who had pestered their professor for permission to attend the workshop. I am happy that they attended. They brought a very useful perspective to the whole workshop. I would love to conduct this workshop at future conferences and organizations by tailoring content to suit their problems.
Problem Solving Workshop Participants
Problem Solving Workshop Participants
And guess what?

Qapitol QA (www.qapitol.com) is hiring. Fill in your details if interested:

It is October 2nd today. Let us see what October has in store for all of us!


Anonymous said...

It seems like it was a good workshop on mobile testing.

Visit https://factored.ai/