I’m very happy to have participated in five consecutive BWT Sessions.
Thanks to all the members for their active participation.
The 5th BWT Session was on 30th August 2009 from 9.30pm to 11.30pm IST.
After a hectic day of writing my MS exams, it was time for the BWT Session.
I logged in at 8.30pm IST to find Amit and Anup online.
Slowly as the clock ticked 9.15pm IST, members started joining.
Finally at 9.30pm IST, we were a group of seven testers ready to prove a point.
“Every product has bugs even if it’s a Google Product”
Application to Test: Google Calendar
Testing Session: 9.30pm to 10.30pm IST
Discussion Session: 10.30pm to 11.30pm IST.
From the learning perspective, it was challenging for me even though I could find bugs in the product.
After the testing session, discussions were good, heated and interesting.
Members discussed their plan of attack, their learning experience, feel of the product. Rated the product and finally submitted their reports.
Some of the questions out of the discussion:
1. Why do some people assume that if it’s a Google product, it should not have bugs?
2. Should a product encourage easy learning? Is that an issue if it doesn’t?
3. Should products be compared during testing? To what extent that comparison must be done?
Expecting all the questions here???
No way, I’m going to list out all the questions, answers, comments, opinions here.
If you are interested to join us, email to weekendtesting@gmail.com
Please find the Test Report shared at Scribd and a question at TestRepublic.
Hope to see you in the next weekend testing session. :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
BWT Session No. 5: Google Calendar
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Weekend Testing Session 5
Next weekend is nearing and so is our testing session.
BWT Session No.5
Date: Sunday 30th Aug 2009
Time: 09.30 – 11.30pm IST
Please be online on Gmail (visible mode) by 9pm IST. You’d be provided download details.
Testing session: 09.30 – 10.30pm IST
Discussion Time: 10.30 – 11.30pm IST
Please send an email to weekendtesting@gmail.com with the subject
“BWT5 Confirmed Participant”.
We’ll include you for the session once we receive an email.
For more details, contact weekendtesting@gmail.com
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Fourth BWT session was even better :)
After a nice lunch, I started pinging others to add to the Group chat.
Once every registered member confirmed their presence, we started this week's session. Bangalore Weekend Testing Session No. 4
Application: Freemind 0.9.0_RC5
Testing was done on Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista 32 bit.
Testers: Ajay, Anil, Parimala, Rajesh, Ravisuriya and Vivek.
Time: 3.30pm - 6.00pm IST.
As promised, the test report is an improvement. You can check that out for yourself. We followed a common template this time.
Discussion was better than last time. Instead of telling the bugs in a round-robin manner, we discussed what we felt, what we tested, why we tested, what we learnt. Problems faced, challenges, tools used, questions and ideas were exchanged. And we had a lot of fun discussing.
Some of the questions which came up in the discussion:
1. Should a tester learn the product to find bugs? Follow this question on Test Republic here.
2. How working without pressure brings out the best in some testers?
3. Should we test the full application bit by bit or any one feature fully?
And lots more...
Please find the list of issues shared at Scribd.
It is OK to make mistakes but to repeat the same mistake, it becomes a SIN. :)
If you want to enjoy the BWT's 5th session, watch out for this space and register by sending an email to weekendtesting@gmail.com
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Weekend Testing Session No. 4
Next weekend is ready and so is our testing session.
BWT Session No.4
Date: Saturday 22nd Aug 2009
Time: 03.30 – 05.30pm IST
Please be online on Gmail (visible mode) by 3pm IST. You’d be provided download details.
Testing session: 03.30 – 04.30pm IST
Discussion Time: 04.30 – 05.30pm IST
Please send an email to weekendtesting@gmail.com with the subject
“Confirmed Participant”.
We’ll include you for the session once we receive an email.
For more details, contact weekendtesting@gmail.com
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Weekend Testing Session Report.
Will it work?
Will it be good?
Will it be enjoyable?
Can we manage?
Will everyone benefit out of it?
Will everyone have fun out of it?
Will it be a learning experience?
Will everyone agree to our motto?
Will there be heated arguments?
Will everyone come on time?
How many bugs will we find?
How long the session it'll be?
How will we coordinate?
Do we need more than one software?
What if we face any distractions?
What if there is a power cut?
Ufff, all these questions were answered once the Bangalore Weekend Testing Session started.
Everyone came on time and wow what a session we had!!!!
Date: 15th August 2009
Session started at 9.30pm IST and ended at 11.30pm IST.
Testing session: 9.30pm to 10.30pm
Discussion Session: 10.30pm to 11.30pm
Every member participated actively and bugs flowed(literally) such that the discussion time was extended from 10.30pm -11.00pm to 10.30pm to 11.30pm IST. :)
I'll not hide the report anymore.
Please find the report shared at Scribd.
Most Important:
We promise to improve our bug reporting skills along with suitable screenshots.
Happy Weekend Testing!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Are you Ready? Join : Bangalore Weekend Testers
Get ready for the next session of Weekend Testing.
Date: Aug 15th 2009
Time: 09.30pm IST(4pm GMT)
If you would like to join the session or need more details,
please send an email to weekendtesting@gmail.com.
Hope to see you there.
-Bangalore Weekend Testers
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Trio Testing at a distance - Part 1
Testers involved:
Ajay Balamurugadas, Sharath Byregowda and M V Manoj
Website Tested:
To find bugs.
Start Time:
Aug 09 2009, 0022hrs IST
End Time:
Aug 09 2009, 0145hrs IST
About the website:
TinyURL is a web service that provides short aliases for redirection of long URLs. Kevin Gilbertson, a web developer, launched the service in January 2002 so that he would be able to link directly to newsgroup postings which frequently had long and cumbersome addresses.
Our Testing Session highlights:
The entire session was conducted over Group Chat on Gmail.
We started our search for a software to test around 1145hrs on Aug 08th 2009.
The search continued for an hour with Eyeos, Barcode4J and Piwik grabbing our attention.
Lack of prerequisites for the above softwares forced us to test TinyURL.
Bugs were communicated to the group as and when they were found.
The tests were based on learning from the tests conducted by the other testers.
Sharath's tests focussed on the security issues. Wish we had a proxy network setup. He'd have loved to test on a proxy network.
Manoj's tests focussed on the usability and Custom Alias feature. He highlighted the disadvantages of using Custom alias feature.
I focussed on the general functionality of the website.
It was fun testing coupled with good learning for me.
Though the testing session lasted for over an hour, the lessons gained would be for a long time. Thanks to Sharath and Manoj for their determination and passion at odd hours of Sunday.
Please find the testing report shared at Scribd.
If you would like to participate in such testing on weekends, drop an email to me at :
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Online or Offline??? Gmail or Gtalk doesn't matter
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Paired Testing at a distance - Part 1
Date: 01 August 2009 Saturday