Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I support ETI Finishing School... Do you?

Congratulations !!!

The ‘Hands on software testing training’ has brought in a bold change.

Are you brave enough to appreciate these ‘testers’?
Do you still believe that ‘training through slides’ is better than ‘hands on training’?
Then read no further…
The results might shock you.

The Test EXPERIENCE Reports are out and available at

How do you feel?

Don’t you think we need to support this unique school of software testing?

How Can I support this initiative?

Send an email to with
-Your Name
-Your Designation
-Your Organization name
-Your Web Address

Friends, There is never a wrong time to do the right thing!!!

Who knows, few years down the lane, this may be the turning point in the history of software testing.

Be proud to extend your full-fledged support.
Thank you for your valuable time.


Anonymous said...

The best experience is to try the software yourself, reading is not enough.

I work in factored ia